On your to-do frugal list today? Right on top should be to check with your bank to see how much you're paying every month in pricey banking fees and charges. If you bank online, it'll be easy to get a review of exactly how much you pay. Getting in the habit of checking your online banking accounts often will mean you won't go into overdraft and incur really high charges.
If you find your problem is lots of extra charges for using debit cards and/or withdrawing from ATMs, then talk to a representative at your bank for an all-in-one bank account that includes plenty of transactions. Our chequing account, for instance, costs us a flat fee of $9.95 a month, but includes unlimited transactions.
You could easily save $50 or more (some people save hundreds of dollars this way!) just by checking out the types of bank accounts you currently have.
Have fun saving!
A personal finance and frugality blog that focuses on the fun - and how far you CAN get that dollar to stretch. By author Christina Spence, of "Living Large on Less."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Frugal Fun - Replace this Habit with That Habit - Internet Surfing
Think surfing the 'net is the ultimate cheap activity? Well...think again, particularly if you love shopping online! If you tend to 'just find yourself' lingering on eBay or other online shopping sites, change that pricey habit for a new (cheaper) one.
Bookmark your favorite debt reduction sites and blogs instead, and take time perusing those. You'll be rewarded with educational fun, minus any cost at all. And, you'll feel incredibly motivated by the stories of people who have literally paid off tens of thousands of dollars of debt!
Bookmark your favorite debt reduction sites and blogs instead, and take time perusing those. You'll be rewarded with educational fun, minus any cost at all. And, you'll feel incredibly motivated by the stories of people who have literally paid off tens of thousands of dollars of debt!
Frugal Food - Snacks - Popcorn to the Rescue
If you've got a bag of popcorn in the pantry, you're set for snacks. Pop up some popcorn (an air popper or simple microwave popcorn popper makes this easy and cheap - no need to buy overpriced and ickier tasting pre-bagged stuff) and drizzle some olive oil or melted butter over top. A sprinkle of salt, or even parmesan cheese and you're set! It literally only costs pennies a bowl. Stock up on popcorn when it's on sale. Freeze it in a tightly sealed container to keep large bags fresh longer.
Enjoy your frugal snack!
Enjoy your frugal snack!
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