Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Frugal Tips - Track Every Penny You Spend

Frugal tip of the day:

Tracking what you spend gives you a starting point to work with when developing a new budget. If you don't know how you spend your money, how will you possibly know where to improve?

At the local dollar store you can get a packet of mini notebooks for a buck - I just got a package of five of them. I keep one in my purse at all times and write down whenever I spend (literally) a penny! Then, at the end of the week, see where your money went, and how you can improve.

Also, knowing that you have to write down your purchases in a book makes you more aware AND more accountable. That $5.00 latte looked delish when you saw it at the coffee shop, but you might feel sort of silly about it later on when you spent a fiver and have nothing to show for it.

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